Want to get creative with your kefir and add a few culinary dishes to your cookbook. Here's a nice and easy one to get you started. We teamed up with Chef & Food stylist Evangeline Harbury who created this delicious recipe for us to share with you all.
Ki Kefir is the secret ingredient.
There is so much you can do with kefir. Drinking it eu natural is of course our favourite. However we know so many of you have started to get a little more creative in the kitchen with having more time at home at the moment, but how many of you have got creative with your kefir? As our regular Ki drinkers, you will know that our kefir taste like no other, it's powerful and zingy kick is hard to find in most supermarket bought kefir's and this kefir is the KI to the perfect Tzatziki.
Send us your Tzatziki.
We want to see your version. If you make this send us a picture via our social media channels. We are always inspired by your creations.